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Enrolling at Monte Vista

Students Currently Enrolled in Newport-Mesa Unified School District

If a student is a current NMUSD student, the parent or guardian must notify their current school regarding the  request to transfer to Monte Vista Independent Study. The parent or guardian will then complete the current NMUSD 24-25 student transfer form on the Monte Vista Independent Study website. The counselor or principal will connect with the family regarding transfer and any needed documents. Parents may request a conference with the counselor and/or administrator for questions regarding enrollment at Monte Vista and expectations of the program. Please contact the Monte Vista Independent Study office at 949-515-6690 for any questions regarding enrollment, or complete the Monte Vista interest form.

Students New to Newport-Mesa Unified School District

If a student is a new student to the district, they will need to complete the Aeries online enrollment application. When completing the Aeries online enrollment application, new students need to select their residence school for enrollment purposes. Once the enrollment application has been submitted, and completed with all required documents, Monte Vista Independent Study will begin the transfer process.  Please contact the Monte Vista Independent Study office at 949-515-6690 for any questions regarding enrollment. 

Students served on an IEP or who are English Language Learners will be considered on a case by case basis to ensure that Monte Vista Independent Study is able to meet their educational needs.

Transferring to or From Monte Vista Independent Study

Students can transfer to and from the Monte Vista Independent Study for either virtual instruction (Monte Vista Independent Study) or in-person instruction (home school) within 5 school days of a request or at a logical transition time during the school year.

Residency Requirements 

Students enrolled at Monte Vista Independent Study must physically occupy a residence in the designated attendance area for Newport-Mesa Unified School District.